Saturday, January 10, 2009

Disable Iphone Data/Edge (2G Iphone)

For those who don't have unlimited data plan, you might have to think twice to pay for the data connection when you're out of Wifi coverage area. Sure you don't want to be in shock to see your bill later on... huhuhu. .

I'm a new user for this Mac product and was lucky to notice this problem :-p
okeh... instead of calling the local network provider to cancel the Edge/data plan you can just install this little software to block or disable iPhone from downloading or uploading data. In other words data connection can only be downloaded or uploaded using Wifi connection only.

Here is how you disable it:
1. Launch Safari on your iPhone
2. Go to
3. Tap the disable Edge/3G button
4. Tap Install
5. Tap Install Now to Confirm.

wasn't that easy??