Sunday, July 12, 2009

How To Set Voicemail On Non-Supported Carriers

Few of Carriers out there still not support for IPhone Voicemail function. Instead of dialing manually the Voicemail number you can create a short-cut button or auto-dial a preset number that connects you to your Voicemail service. So this how to do it:

  • Go to the dial screen on your IPhone and dial the following code and then press CALL button
*5005*86* Your Carrier voicemail number #

I'm using Celcom as my network provider so my Voicemail number is 1313:


Once you've press CALL button it will set your Voicemail number into iPhone memory. So next time to hear your Voicemail message you just need to click on Phone Icon ---> Voicemail button and it will auto-dial your voicemail number.